Thursday, 14 March 2013

Tavistock Traffic Orders

Static image from Google's Map view of Tavistock.
Some small posters have appeared on telegraph poles near us recently. They suggest more information can be found at "from 14th March". I don't know why they couldn't put the info online first and then put the posters up so that the URLs (an ideal application for QR codes, Devon) produced something useful before today.

So today's the day and the information is available (follow the 'search' link, select Tavistock CP from the District list).

Here is a copy of the 'Various streets, Tavistock' notice attached to telegraph poles and here is the Tavistock traffic order itself. In a shameful display of self-interest, here's the "No Waiting At Any Time" part pertaining to Callington Road:

Callington Road, Tavistock

the south-east side from its junction with Drake Villas in a south-westerly direction to the boundary of Innswell/Catholic Church (Our Lady of the Assumption)

As far as I can see that means the No Waiting At Any Time restriction applies to the region marked red. Drake Villas are the houses overlooking the short piece of the A390 between the Spar roundabout and the A386 roundabout on the corner of Meadowlands. Innswell is the church's uphill neighbour.